
The best way to buy Bitcoin with Paypal 2023

The best way to buy Bitcoin with Paypal 2020

The best way to buy Bitcoin with Paypal 2023

Whether you have sufficient experience in the field of digital currencies or you do not have any experience at all, you may have heard about Bitcoin and want to invest in it. And we have mentioned in another topic  how to get bitcoin .

In this topic, we will learn about the best way to  buy Bitcoin through PayPal . 
As we all know, Paypal is the most famous electronic bank and perhaps the safest bank, and perhaps this is what drives you to buy bitcoin through this bank. Here, I will present to you the two best methods that you can use and perhaps there are other methods, but these two methods are the most secure and the least commission. 

The best way to buy Bitcoin with Paypal 2020

The best site to buy bitcoins through Paypal 2023 with the lowest commission 

 Buying Bitcoins through the Airtm Bank website.  Airtm is one of the most famous electronic banks that enables you to buy Bitcoins through Paypal  and many other banks and electronic wallets. Airtm is an electronic bank that was established in Mexico and registered in the United States. 

* First of all, you must create an account in this electronic bank. Log in to the bank from here, Airtm. io You will find it in front of you as in the following picture. Complete the information 
. The email used must be the email of Paypal 

Buy Bitcoin via airtm

* After completing the data in the image, a message will be sent to your email with the account confirmation link. After clicking on the link, you will be directed to a page with the information that you must complete (password – name – address – phone number – country)  * After establishing the bank, click Go to Setting, then go to Verification and activate your account by confirming your phone number through an SMS message or a message containing the activation code on WhatsApp as in the picture, and then you must upload the photo of the ID card in the front and back of your ID card 

The best way to buy Bitcoin with Paypal 2020

 How do you buy bitcoin with Paypal and Airtm? 

1- Go to Add / withdraw, then click on Add, then choose (more payment options), and then search for Paypal as shown in the following picture 

Buy bitcoin with Paypal through Airtm Bank

 2- After performing these steps, this window will appear for you, complete the data as shown in the picture 

The best way to buy Bitcoin with Paypal 2020

3- After completing this step, you will be transferred to the next step, complete it as shown in the picture 

The best way to buy Bitcoin with Paypal 2020

4- After completing the previous step, he will transfer you to the next step to confirm the transfer, and then you will pay the amount and thus in your account will be the currency of airUSD  5- After that you enter the Crypto and then choose Buy and choose the currency you want to buy and in this case is Bitcoin as the picture 

Buying Bitcoin with PayPal

6- After that, specify the purchase amount in airUSD, and the amount of bitcoin that you will get will be shown as shown in the picture 

The best way to buy Bitcoin with Paypal 2020

Thus, you will have purchased Bitcoin via Paypal in the easiest way possible to  withdraw Bitcoin from the site  We now come to the part of withdrawing the bitcoin that you have purchased  1- Go to Add / Withdraw and then choose withdraw then more payment methods After that choose Bitcoin as shown in the picture 

Withdrawing Bitcoin after purchasing it via Paypal

2- After performing the previous steps, specify the amount of Bitcoin that you want to withdraw from the site to your wallet and perform the confirmation process to receive the bitcoin.  Did you like the topic? If you like the topic, share it with other people interested in buying Bitcoins with PayPal

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The best way to buy Bitcoin with Paypal 2020

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